Cultivating Leadership, Bridging Opportunities

Investment Banking & WEALTH MANAGEMENT
Your rights

What can candidates expect from an executive search firm?
There are many people who proclaim themselves as a recruitment & selection consultant or agency, but in fact pass on no-cure, no-pay resumes to clients. This has resulted in candidates having no idea where they will be introduced. Your profile and resume are your property. Wehry & Company will never disclose your resume without your permission, only create an anonymous profile detailing your key skills and education. You may indicate at any time when we are no longer allowed to record your data.
Our Promise
Full Disclosure
Once you have been identified as a candidate for a leadership position, the Consultant will provide full disclosure of the mandate and provide information about the nature of the position and the client’s organization.
The Consultant has an exclusive agreement with the client. With this mandate, Wehry & Company is authorized by the client to find a person who exactly fits a specific position. Without this exclusive agreement, a candidate has no right or opportunity to be invited for an interview.
All information provided by you will remain confidential and will not be shared with any other employer or third party without obtaining your prior consent. Wehry & Company works according to the GDPR (EU) 2016/679 regulations regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data.
An executive search assignment can take 1-3 months. Out of respect for the candidate, the Consultant will provide timely progress updates as the search progresses and respond very quickly to candidate queries. The advisor will also give an honest assessment of what preference level he/she is at.
Many candidates find the search process very rewarding, regardless of the outcome. With the guidance of a top executive search firm, candidates are given the opportunity to explore their own interests and capabilities and even hone their interviewing and negotiation skills. In the end it is always a personal victory if it succeeds.
office hours
Daily – 9:30 am to 07:00 pm
Sunday – 04:00 pm to 06:30 pm
Holiday – 09:00 am to 12:30 noon