Meer of Minder IMPACT maken

Meer of Minder IMPACT maken

Wanneer ik mijn notities van de afgelopen maand teruglees, dan valt op hoe vaak het woord IMPACT wordt uitgesproken. Je zou bijna spreken van een modewoord, echter er zijn verschillen hoe “Mannen en Vrouwen” hiernaar kijken. Ook zijn er verschillen tussen...
The Career Adent Calendar

The Career Adent Calendar

🎄December is a reflective season for many senior executives. Daily, you can see them diligently focused on their responsibilities, nurturing clients, and celebrating Christmas dinners with their team members. 🎉🎤🍻 But in December, a window often opens just like an...


Forget everything you THOUGHT you knew about oxygen production on Earth! A team of international scientists just discovered that ‘dark oxygen’ is being generated in the deep seafloor — WITHOUT the need for light! Why is this such a big deal? Until now, it has been...
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